Tweed Flowerama is the event that goes on in the Memorial Park in Tweed on Canada Day. It's much more than a flower show -although that is a prominant part of it-hosted by the Tweed Horticultural Society. It is also about art, crafts and music. Nearly everyone is dressed in their red and white Canadian colours and waving flags. We are becoming almost as patriotic as the Americans!
There was a short, but very well attended parade, activities for the kids as well as free cake and drinks.
Artists present were Suzanne Cavers and Audrey Thomas and me of course! We were allowed to put up our dsiplays in the Kiwanis club house,as it looked as though we were going to have a rainy day, but in fact, it turned out to be a beautiful day. Someone wanted me to do a watercolour of the view from the clubhouse of Stoco Lake, but of course, I didn't have my watercolours with me. Typical!
Some of the Belleville Art Association members put on a display at Zwick's Park in Belleville, but I can't be in two places at once.