Saturday, September 11, 2010

Native art

Today, Saturday 11th September form 2- 4p.m there will be an opening at the Tweed Heritage centre gallery of Native Art. Refreshments will be served.

Studio Tours

I could not make it to the Rednersville Road Studio Tour in Prince Edward County last weekend, but I heard from one of the studios that there were about five hundred visitors to their venue. That is an amazing number for a studio tour. Well done, all the studios in the Rednersville Road area!

The next one coming up is the Tweed and area studio tour. This is on October 1st and 2nd, Saturday and Sunday and runs from the Plainfield area off Highway 37 up to and including the Madoc area. Tweed is about the middle, and there are several artists studios right in town.

There will be paintings, pottery, jewelery, fabric art and dolls, photography and much more.

The scenery is very beautiful in this area, so it makes a nice drive into the country roads. The maple trees should be turing red by then.