Monday, June 22, 2009

Madoc Music and Art Festival continued

Well, despite the rainy day on Saturday, the festival was attended by a lot more people than last year. Everyone seemed pleased with the new venue, although there was the usual problem of some vendors taking up more than their share of the allocated space.

The music was great, and not too loud! It ranged from gospel to bluegrass to classic pop.

There was barbecued beef or pork for lunch at very reasonable prices.

Some artists were very pleased with their sales and the positive comments about their art. Of note was young native artist A.J. VanDrie (see painting above) who sold a painting he was working on at the show before it was even finished! He also sold his biggest and most expensive piece at the show.
Look out for his art again at an upcoming show in August at the Tweed Heritage Centre gallery. See his work at

Friday, June 19, 2009

Madoc Music and Art Festival

Sorry its been a while since I posted. It's a busy time of year.

Today I am packing my paintings and paraphernalia to set up at the 2nd annual Madoc Music and Art Festival. We have to get ready this evening, and there is a wine and cheese party for the artists, but it doesn't officially start till Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Its open till 10 p.m for music. Sunday 21st it is on from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.

Location the Kiwanis Hall on St. Lawrence St in downtown Madoc. You can't miss it. Madoc is not that big. Admission isFREE for the general public. Above is one of my watercolours -a picture of the gardens at the Tweed Heritage Centre that I painted sitting in the beautiful garden.
My show at the Heritage Centre in Tweed is still on for another week. See also works by international sculptor Paul Sheir.