Well, I managed to get a painting accepted in the "Music as Muse" juried show at the John M Parrott gallery which is on right now until the end of June.
I turned the subject around and painted the muse of music-a goddess named Terpsichore, sitting on top of Mount Olympus, the home of the gods.
I think this show (not just because I am in it! ) was far superior to the last one at this gallery -the Quinte Arts Councils annual show. There were some very interesting pieces and quite a variety of media were displayed. Susan Holland had done a great job of hanging the show. One wall for example, was just for black and white pieces.
I thought Marion Casson's felted floor rug "walk the line" (Johnny Cash) was a great idea. It was really supposed to be on the floor, so that people could literally "walk the line" of the stripes made in the fabric.
Barbara Chappelle won an award for her pottery sculpture "Blue man"- at least I think that was the title. Correct me if I am wrong.
Lola Ried-Allin also won an award for her photograph.
I am a bit a of a rube when it comes to the sophisticated things in life such as art. Having said that I'm very impressed with this painting. I'm always blown away that people can actually paint something like this.
After being a rube, I'm also a little crude. And I just can't help myself. Please forgive me but here is a couple titles for your painting.
#1. Elaine's Christmas card.
#2. Janet Jackson is a music goddess?
Have a nice week. feen
Thanks, Feeno. I have had other people comment on "wardrobe malfunction". I appreciate any comments or crticisms as not a lot of people read my blog as it has a narrow audience. Actually that is not quite true-I have quite a few readers accroding to the stats but they must all be too chicken to actually comment.
That's a challenge folks!
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