Thursday, May 1, 2008

Quinte Arts Council Expressions Show

I just back for the Quinte Arts Council "Expressions" juried annual show. This year it was back at the John M. Parrott gallery at the Belleville Public Library on Pinnacle Street. It was an amazing show and the judge said that much of the work was of international quality. We have some very talented artists in the Quinte region of Ontario. There were 24 pieces by members of our Belleville Art Association. Rita Woodburne, a fellow artist who has a link to this blog, got an honourable mention for her wonderful painting of a white horse. I think this picture is also on her website. Andrew Innis also got an honourable mention for his amazing three dimensional abstract. The juror's choice award went to an amazing photograph of a soaring eagle. Several pieces of art sold in the first hour or so. One of the paintings that was marked with a red dot "sold" was done by one of my former art teachers, Jolyn Grieve. It was a "life" painting of a white girl and an oriental boy sitting facing each other holding hands.

The show is on for a month, so get down to Belleville and see it if you can.

I am ashamed that I did not enter any work myself this year. I usually do, but I must have been just too busy writing this blog!

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